A photographer I learn so much from,
Zach Arias, stresses the importance of "GOYA" photography. This is photography, while being fun, is a breath of fresh photography-air, if you will. "GOYA" stands for 'get off your [booty]'...his words, not my own. After doing so many shoots for other people, Zach teaches that we need to shoot for ourselves to re-inspire us, or rest our photographic spirits.
I say all of this to share my much needed "GOYA" material. I have become bogged down by pleasing others with my photography. This work is beautiful to me, and that is all I am worried about. It is not to please anyone. It is not to make anyone happy. It is to rest my stressed mind. Thanks for looking!

Also...these photos will be used in a documentary about this lovely town I get to live in. Much more about this later.