I am so excited to talk about this exciting way we can serve those really need our help, especially in this Christmas time. I recently joined this awesome group of people who are emulating Christ in giving a helping hand.
I am a fan of coffee, and yeah mochas. Well, white chocolate mochas with the occasional peppermint if I'm feeling extra Christmasy. The Mocha Club's whole deal is that for the price of two mochas a month, you can (with the help of the thousands of people already serving) build wells in Sudan or provide hope for a single mother in Africa by providing job training, counseling, and clinical aide or schooling for a child that would usually not have that opportunity or help to those with HIV/Aids (which in some countries is 1 in 3 people) or provide care for orphans without a home, a life, or hope.
The contribution is $7 a month. "Our vision is to provide a way for people who don’t have hundreds or thousands of dollars to make a difference in Africa. Our community-based website allows members to start a team and invite friends to join them in giving up the cost of 2 mochas a month to support their chosen project" Your involvement in this group is up to you-- you can be a supporter just by donating a small portion of the resources our God has provided you with or this group gives you and opportunity to get our of your room and make this stuff known!
So pray about it. Let the Father guide you in your giving, and if this seems like something you could be apart of, join a project and lets make a difference. Here's a link to their home page: Mocha Club