Tomorrow is Easter, and a good one it is.
Today is a day of suspense, mourning, and wonder.
Yesterday was a crazy day. Jesus encompassed all sin so that we can live. The One of Perfection took on our mistakes, our mess-ups, our infinitely massive failures just so we can live. On Friday, it was finished. On Friday, WE crucified the One of Perfection. He died for me. He died for you. What did I do for that kind of gift? What did I do for the God of the Universe to sacrifice his one and only Son, who was spotless in the name of the Lord, for me? This is what blows my mind- He did that because He loves me. That's how much He loves me. And that's how much He loves you. God loves us so much, He sent his only son to take in my sin, your sin, our sin. When i think of this, I don't understand how people can say it's "so beautiful". For me, Good Friday is a day of guilt- but should it be? I feel so terrible that I killed my God- that I have failed. But the beauty for me comes on Sunday...

Sunday it all happened. Like yeah, that just happened...He is that good. Wow. On Friday, Jesus was pierced for our transgressions, but on Sunday He proved us that He is bigger than that. Our God overcame all of our sin. He wanted to show us that He is infinitely bigger than my humanly mess-ups. God is bigger than that. Jesus was victorious over my sin, your sin, and our sin. How incredibly beautiful is that? So tomorrow is the celebration- Celebrate that we have been given the opportunity to worship so freely the God of the Universe, The God that knows your name and your story. Hallelujah!
So Christ cleanses us. He gives us an opportunity to be alive. No matter how bad I mess up day to day, He will never cease to cleanse me. My God of infinite chances washes my crimson sins to pure white snow. For He sees the depths of my heart, and He loves me the same.
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