These are a couple of guys, awesome Christian guys, who really inspire and encourage me. Their work is primarily weddings, but they have a passion for working with non-profits all around the world serving others with their God blessed gifts. They inspire me because these are the shoes I dream of filling. For me to use my God given gifts in a way that serves most importantly Him, but also others- that is my aspirations. These guys inspire me, and maybe you too.
The confidence their videos and blogs exude is abundant. The duo has a presence of amazingly high quality and an abundance confidence, and that really inspires me. The extremely professional quality of this group's video elegantly mixed with the subtle artistic edge truly gives the videos a unique and often times inspiring feeling.
One thing I lack in my photography is confidence, and I know it. I have doubts all the way up to post production- then I get to relax, take my time, and see what I have to work with. I have never had a shoot where I am not proud of the work. I have never had a shoot where I regret doing something, or regret missing a moment etc, yet I still lack confidence in my work- I am my biggest critic i guess. Maybe that's just how i'm wired...? Maybe it works for me, we'll see.
Tonight (or this morning) I have been inspired by Cana Video Productions- maybe this can be a sorce of inspiration for you too. And if not, what/who inspires you?
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